Thursday 19 June 2014

War statistics

This page contains statistics about our successes in the clan wars.  

Clan statistics

Below table contains statistics about our last wars. Each row in the table represents a single war, where the latest war is in the bottom of the table.  

Attacks = average number of attacks per player
Attacks won = average number of attacks won per player
Stars = average number of stars per player gained
Players = number of players in the war from both clans
AttacksAttacks wonStarsPlayers

The two wars marked with lighter grey we gave up on due to overwhelming opponent.

Player attack statistics

Attacks = average number of attacks per war (0-2)
Stars = average number of stars per war (0-6)
Attacks5 = average number of attacks in last 5 wars (0-2)
Stars5 = average number of stars in last 5 wars (0-6)

Order of the players is based on ranking in the previous war.

Some Player1,63,11,22,4
DC Titan2,05,02,04,6

Note that these statistics do not take into consideration on the variable difficulty level of the attacks. For example consider
- TH10 three staring TH7
- TH7 two staring TH10

In this chart the latter would look worse although that is actually very impressive victory.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Mass Hogs attack strategy

This post will focus on mass hog rider strategy, which I feel is one key strategies to understand and master in clan wars. Although after the recent increase to giant bomb damage to hogs, this strategy is riskier than before. Also more and more players are now learning how to design their war bases against hog attacks

Army composition

I tend to make some variations to the army composition depending on enemy base. 

Basically you want to have 
- 30+ hog riders to do most of the work
- Giants or barbarians (or more hogs) to pull enemy Heroes and clan castle troops
- Enough archers / wizards to take out potential dragon from clan castle
- Troops to help cleaning the base after defenses are taken out by hogs

Below is one general purpose build I use in case the enemy has clan castle in very center of the base.

- 32 hog riders (full number that fits to dark barracks)
- 2 giants
- 2 wall breakers
- 20 archers
- 6 barbarians
- 10 wizards

- 5 healing spells

Things to watch out for

There are also some bases that are very hard to take down with hogs and things to watch out for.

1) Inferno towers with multitarget mode enabled.

Multitarget inferno towers wreck the hogs army for two reasons. First the damage output of inferno tower is massive when it goes against several hogs. Secondly inferno tower disables healing from the healing spell, which is the key component of keeping the army alive.

If you must attack the TH10 bases with hogs you need to replace some of the healing spells with freeze and/or rage spells. Also in that case you better attack bases where you know that your hogs can and will go to the inferno towers directly.

(My best advice how ever is to use GoWiWi or GoWiPe strategies against TH10 bases with infernos)

For those not familiar with inferno towers the below picture shows what single target (right side) and multi target (left side) inferno towers looks like.

2) Anti-hog bases.

This is a base design that causes your hog army to circle around the base, while being attacked by defenses from the center. Notice the base below where there is outer circle (red) that has lots of defensive buildings. Then there is inner circle (green) that only contains non-defensive buildings. Basically this causes the hogs to circle around the outer defenses and only after they are destroyed enter to the center. Usually the outer ring is also filled with different types of traps.

(Thank you for our clan leader for this excellent example of anti-hog base)

3) Giant bombs

What you need to be on eye for always when going with mass hog is giant bombs. Try to see were they could be before you attack. Take them out with single units if you can, but if not be ready to cast a healing spell right when they trigger. If you fail to heal your hogs that have taken damage from giant bomb, you risk loosing the whole attack.

One base design strategy is to place two giant bombs next to each other. If your hogs run into that there won't be that much you can do - instant death. 

Healing spells

Final note to say is that healing spells are the key for successful hog attack. Learn how to place them in correct locations at correct time.
- Always place your healing spell in a way that maximizes the time hogs are healed. Basically place the spell in front of the hogs.
- If large group of hogs are damaged by giant bomb, you need to heal them asap.
- Don't heal hogs in full health, but wait until they have taken some damage that needs to be healed.
- If your hogs split up focus on healing large groups, don't waste your spells on single hog.


1) Pull clan castle troops using your giants and barbarians
2) Kill clan castle troops in a corner / area that is safe from defensive buildings.
- Use all other troops than hogs to do it (not necessarily all of your troops though if you can spare some)
- You can also use clan castle troops for this
3) Send out your hogs from one location
4) Follow your hogs and make sure you cast your healing spells in time and in front of the hogs
- Be ready to cast healing spells if your army is hit by giant bombs
5) If you had some extra units use them for cleanup
- Place them to areas that are safe from defenses

War checklist and hints

This blog is collection of hints that i personally think about before I attack enemy base in clan wars. I wanted to share this with the clan members as a starter for discussion. I hope to receive good feedback that I can then use to improve this guide (and also create other content here)

Select the enemy base

- When using hogs avoid bases with anti-hog layout (circle inside the base with no defensive buildings) or inferno towers with multitarget mode
- If using mass dragon avoid bases with air defenses safely inside the base (or inferno towers with single target mode)

Plan your attack

- Plan how you will pull out the heroes and clan castle troops. One nice trick is to click the enemy clan castle to see the pull radius. Additionally note that you can see how many troops the clan castle has (below picture 25/25).

- When planning the attack consider also where you kill the enemy troops and try to imagine how your own army will move within the base.
- For example I did this attack by first clan castle troops with giants and barbarians. Took them out at the south side of the base (green lines). 
- Additionally I planned this as hog attack where the red lines show the way I expected them to move in the base (and they did). In general, I have noticed that being able to expect where your hogs (or other attack units) move is extremely important in certain attacks. For example when you absolutely must take out some key defensive buildings asap or you risk loosing the entire attack (inferno towers, air defences...).

- If someone from the clan has already attacked the same base, check the replay carefully to see
   o what troops are in the clan castle
   o where are teslas and giant bombs located

Final check

- Make sure that you are ready to attack
   o See that your army is fully build and as you have expected (correct number of each troop type etc.)
   o See that your heroes are ready
   o Check that your spells are in order
   o See that clan castle is full 

Good luck!!!